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Online Maths Lessons

We start with the building blocks of Maths, numbers & how they work within the number system.


Misconceptions with these fundamentals have an effect throughout maths.  If someone has gaps here, their confidence in maths will be knocked.  Place value is the foundation of mathematics and if your child has a solid foundation in this area they will become confident mathematicians.  


Addition   Subtraction   Multiplication   Division 


We make sure that pupils can solve problems accurately using written methods so that they feel confident but we also make sure they understand what they are doing and why they are doing it.  Putting maths into real-life contexts gives it purpose and value.  We do times tables and number bonds to improve the speed with which pupils can solve calculations.  This emphasis on developing an improved speed is solely to build confidence and gain a sense of achievement.  It does not replace or take priority from our pupils' understanding of Maths. 


Our pupils know why they are learning & how they

can apply their skills. 

How we break down the curriculum.

Each pupil will come with a different level of understanding which will vary from topic to topic. Time spent on each aspect of maths will vary according to the individual so please use the amount of suggested lessons per section as a guide. 

The foundations: 
5 lessons.

Numbers & the Number system


The functions:  

5 - 20 sessions depending on the pupils understanding on entry.







10 - 20 lessons.

Length & Width

Area & Perimeter

Temperature & Negatives





Time - length varies depending on pupil knowledge on entry.



5 - 10 lessons, not all areas are relevant to both Key Stages.

Reading, writing, making & identifying fractions

Ordering fractions

Mixed & Imperfect fractions

Adding & Subtracting fractions  

Multiplying fractions

Dividing fractions

Simplifying fractions

Fractions, Decimals & Percentages



2 - 8 lessons, not all of these areas are relevant to both Key Stages.


Co-ordinates - 1st quadrant



Co-ordinates - 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th quadrants

Problem solving with Co-ordinates



2 - 5 lessons, not all of these areas are relevant to both Key Stages.


One-step equations

Two-step equations - part 1

Two-step equations - part 2










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